Skin Conditions
I’m female and had acne for 20 years. It has always been on my face, chest and back, but in recent years my chest and back acne has gone, but my face has got worse.
The acne has changed in look and has become far more painful and aggressive on my jaw line, neck and cheeks.
I have tried every cosmetic product you can think of, but none work, which leads me to think that this is not just down to greasy skin, but hormones or even an intolerance to wheat or diary.
I am visiting a doctor next week to find out what can be done as my face is starting to become incredibly painful and my makeup expenses are getting bigger!
What I want to know is:
1 – have you suffered the same? did you work out the problem?
2 – do you know of any online services/chat rooms that I could possibly join?
I’m not trying to self-diagnose, but my doctors over the years have just wanted to medicate rather than find a cure and it’snow getting too much.
I know this is a rather long one, so I appreciate your help!
I must also point out that I have tried Proactiv and it has not worked. I’ve been using it for two months and have reduce the amount of meat and dairy I have in my diet.
Chosen Answer:
I don’t think aromatherapy will help you, neither will changing your diet.
There is a support group, butI don’t know if they are online. There is a contact phone number, and it does cost money to join. The site has the ok from Netcraft and WOT, so it should be alright.
Causes – mostly because of the way skin reacts to hormonal changes. The skin contains sebaceous glands that naturally release sebum, an oily substance that helps protect it. During puberty, raised levels of the hormone testosterone can cause too much sebum to be produced. This happens in both boys and girls.
The sebum can block hair follicles and when dead skin cells mix with the blockage, this can lead to the formation of spots. Bacteria in the skin multiply, which can cause pain and swelling beneath the blockages.
Many people say that eating chocolate or greasy foods causes acne, but this isn’t true. Acne isn’t caused by bad diet.
Some people believe that acne is caused by bad personal hygiene, but this is not true. If you are going to get acne, you will get it no matter how much you clean your skin. Too much cleaning can make the condition worse by removing the protective oils in your skin.
acne chat
Adult female acne sufferer looking for online support and advice.?
by: izzy
on: 11th November 09
Is there a difference between benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid active to prevent and treat acne? My skincare routine: Treat hyperpigmentation: Chat: . Updates and
Jan 1, 2017.
ACNE VULGARIS IS A COMMON skin disease and is increasingly seen in adult women., Almost twice as many women seek help for their acne than men,
These results may help to inform HCPs about the characteristics, perceptions, HRQoL, and psychological status of adult women with acne and increase awareness of.
However, in most sufferers no specific underlying cause can be found. Although photosensitivity is essentially caused by a reaction to the sun, certain foodstuffs such as coffee, red wine and.
While acne isn't exactly harmful, it can impact your self-esteem. If you've tried several treatments that don't seem to work, these home remedies can help.
Can you guess which one? Yes, ladies, you're more likely than a man to get acne. It's those hormones again. The predisposition for acne is genetic. So, if your parents had acne (either as teens or adults) you're more likely to get it too. 3 Rosacea Can Look Like Adult Acne
Normal blood count levels for females are 3.90 to 5.03 million red blood cells per microliter, 120 to 155 grams of hemoglobin per liter, 34.9 to 44.5 percent hematocrit, 3,500 to 10,500 white blood cells per microliter and 150,000 to 450,00.
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